Monday, October 13, 2008

All for Obama 2

Madonna on stage...

According to the Associated Press, a video montage was played during the show, preceding a photograph of Republican presidential candidate John McCain with images of destruction, global warming, Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler and anti-Western president of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe.

Not limiting the Welsh audience to her opinion on only one White House hopeful, Madonna played a more favorable montage later on, AP reported, this time following pictures of John Lennon, Al Gore and Mahatma Gandhi with McCain’s Democratic rival, Barack Obama.

1 comment:

  1. Porque é preciso recomeçar a pensar (a menos que se pense que "a crise" foi um carnaval e já estamos em quarta-feira de cinzas...), permito-me interromper para sugerir uma visita a Para uma economia política institucionalista .


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